Here are some memes and videos that I have made! Some classes that I teach have an optional extra credit assignment of creating a meme related to the course content. 🙂
That feeling when you deploy your first sensors for the first time!
We had a successful deployment of our gas sensors at two sites in the Niantic River in August and we are planning to redeploy them soon, prior to an eelgrass transplanting experiment!
Anagha, Cara and Sławek deployed gas sensors and a conductivity/temperature/depth logger in the Niantic River on Aug 5. We hope the sensors enjoy their stay in the eelgrass bed!
#folklore of Baffin Bay [tbd] 14C years BP is a long time BBBW sat quietly in the deep free of mankind and its madness, mass specs and their samples and then it was touched by me
Did u know that good 4 u by @Olivia_Rodrigo is written from the point of view of a gas chromatograph that gets replaced by a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer?